Guest Book
Please sign our guest book, and let us know you were here! :-)
I am an alumna of APU and poke my head in to see what's new on a fairly regular basis. Two weeks ago, when I read the announcement of your connection to the new research discovered regarding the Big Bang theory, I was blown away. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
Denise W.

Interesting page. The background picture is stunning.

Thank you for your CNN article. You are correct in saying "If God is truly the creator, then he will reveal himself through what he’s created, and science is a tool we can use to uncover those wonders." Romans 1:19-20 explains that through the creation we can know the invisible God, and science is indeed the study of the creation :) May I add further insight? A very basic principle of human life is the family system - father and mother and children, with mothers being the life givers. Through the first page of the bible I learned that males and females are in fact the very images of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Incredible! This means there exists God our Father, and God our Mother who is the life giver to our souls.

Dr. Wickman, I have read your contributions to CNN and think they are consistently logical with observable science which supports the idea of design - - as opposed to the idea "from chaos, everything" which is not logical.

Dear Dr. Wickman,
I just read about your views on CNN, and was very inspired! Being a pianist, I don't have much science background, but always appreciate learning about how amazing God's creation is through science! Thank you for your work and research.
May Father be glorified!

Hey Dr. Wickman,
wow your site is great, and you have contributed greatly to the world of science, and faith. I love what you are doing, and look forward to hopefully working with you, and seeing what's in store for the future.

Awesome website! I greatly appreciate your dedication to sharing your expertise in many areas whike shining the light of design and creation on each area. Matt
Special Education Teacher, Sheboygan, WI

Hey Leslie,
What a great website you have here. I really appreciate your effort in maintaining such helpful astronomy resources. Keep up the good work!

Hello Dr Wickman,
I came to visit your website upon discovering that you'll be speaking at Apologetics Canada's yearly conference in B.C. I'm thrilled that you're coming and I very much look forward to hearing your talk at the breakout session.
Coralie Carleton

I was blessed to meet Dr. Wickman at an ASA meeting a few years ago. We are both interested in the role of engineers in the science and theology dialogue. She has been to our campus at Oral Roberts University (where I serve as the Dean of the College of Science and Engineering) to speak on two different occasions regarding science and faith. Both talks were a great benefit to our students and faculty, helping us think through some challenging issues. I highly recommend her as a top speaker on the relationship between science and Christian faith.

God and the Scientific Method on KKLA, 99.5 FM
Enjoy my choice of episodes as podcasts, and this one had me re-listening to segments, poking around the net, looking up scripture, and sharing with friends of like mind. More books oh boy!
Thank you Leslie and the team.

WOW.....I'm impressed with your website! Your mom didn't brag enough about you. I loved your mom (dad), and still miss your mom. I came across a picture of her, and it caused me to look up your website, and see if you were still at Azusa. We knew your parents from the church in Sunriver, and I met you there. Keep up the good work! Blessings......Carol

Wonderful website! I am continually grateful for you and your bold witness. I am eager to read and hear you speak through your resources here. Blessings in Christ. Todd

Great website! Enjoyed reading the "A Focused Force for Faith" interview. Disappointed I didn't take one of your classes when I went to APU.
Best Wishes,

Hey Leslie - It has been years! You have been one busy gal. Lori turned me onto your website. Looks like you have been doing some things.

Dr Wickman
Love your website !
Good Luck and Best Wishes

Dr. Wichman, I heard your interview on Fox. Wowww... you nailed it. You stated what many naturalists skirt: science is never a slam dunk or settled. All of science, the physical sciences, is unproved. That's why we have theories... and the nature of a theory is that it can be turned on its head or it can be affirmed but never proved. Furthermore science and religion are not but nature, if you will, oppositional. Regarding Genesis, you nailed it again: it's a theological work, not a scientific. However, when you look at all the creation cosmologies of early man, I suggest that only Genesis comes close to agreeing with what we know about the creation of the universe. Nonetheless Genesis is an explanation of how it all started written by men who were inspired by God; he didn't whisper in their a primitive people. (Yeah, I'm a... flatearther theistist.) It makes clear that the cosmos - they had no concept of cosmos as we have - had a beginning and a Creator, man and woman have equal dignity in the eyes of God, and this Creator holds us responsible for our actions. I might add that the Old Testament makes clear that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not part of our closed system... Your voice is refreshing because our media would have us believe that those who suggest a Creator are poor scientists... nonsense. I'm glad that your voice has joined that of Hugh Ross, John Lennox, Sir John Pplkinghorne and many others.